Saturday, April 26, 2008

Bandaids or sex education....

Okay its the week of funny happenings here I suppose! I live in a house with all boys with the exception of myself and one of our dogs. Anyhow in the bathroom there was box of tampons on the floor when my little guy went in there and so he asks his dad "what are those daddy?" My hubby says "oh nothing just moms stuff." Caleb then says" I think they are band aids" husband relieved that he is satisfied with his answer says "I am not sure maybe! "

So anyhow....I suppose he is right in a way...they do sort of work that that is a great answer for a 4 year old to ponder for a while anyhow...I suppose one day he will see that isn't exactly what they are but that is still far off!

Well my allergies are bugging me tonight, scratchy throat and icky eyes! Fun stuff! Off to bed soon....

Till next time!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Hey everyone,

Okay so first things first, yes the legos went up to and ended at $280! I tell ya I am thinking about going out and purchasing lego sets and just putting them away for the future. I still can't believe they sold for that! Not complaining just stunned. I spent my day waiting for a repair man. Don't you just love those days? I mean give me a better of window of time, would ya? We all know that 8a-6p means they will show up either 7:50am at which point you are not dressed yet and dripping from the super fast shower you just tried to have, or the 5:59pm type in which you had sat all day thinking of all the stuff you could just run out and do if you didn't have to be home waiting for the repair in the first place. UGH! Its frustrating! Of course having to be home did mean I do lots of laundry, that is if it wasn't my dryer they were coming to fix to begin with! :( Oh well....such is life!

I have been considering going back to school just seems impossible to do it right now in my life since I have my kids at home to do school. I know I don't want to put them in school at this point so its just a matter of how can I improvise this and make it work? Any how I am toying with the idea at any rate...if I figure out to work this one out I will let ya know! :)

We went shopping this evening to look for birthday presents.....we all went, all five of us! That was fun...okay not so fun! Anyhow I am not sure how but we bought stuff for all my kids but nothing for the birthday! Again another reason I need to go back to school to get that job! :) How ever are we gonna put these boys through college, at this rate how am I going to keep their bellies full for the next several years! Boys seem to have a hollow leg....maybe two! Well I have to go back to shopping by myself I guess, I get more accomplished plus spend less! Thank God tomorrow is a new day! I am too tired to make it one more minute in this one! :)

For now....

Thursday, April 24, 2008

"those two things girls have"

Okay everyone, get your minds out of the gutter! My 4 year old told me this the other day! I will preface this with a little info...
The other morning my 4yr old boy was watching me apply my makeup, while putting on lip stick he wanted some, I told him only girls wear makeup. Then he preceeded to tell me everything I put on was only for girls....okay with that said.

Days later....

We are outside and my little guy is looking for bugs. He has a love hate relationship with them at the moment. He loves to look for them but when he finds them he isn't always sure he wants to be near them. :) it how the conversation took place.

Caleb: looks up at me: "mom I saw a girl ant in the front yard today."
Me: "Really, well how did you know it was a girl ant?"
Caleb (nonchalantly): because she had those two things that only girls have.
Me: (not wanting to ask)
Older Brother, Austin who is listening in on the conversation: "What two things?"
Me: (why was Austin around and why ask THAT question)
Caleb: "you know mom, those things here (pointing to his eyelashes) you put that black stuff on.
Me: (smiling) "Of course Caleb, how could you not see those beautiful eyelashes!"

Now the moral of the story ....don't we all think the worst sometimes when its not even meant that way! I know what you were thinking!

The great world of Ebay

I am seldom truly amazed by people...I mean I may be taken back every now and then, but amazed, not! Today although I stand amazed by one simple thing....EBAY buyers. I have listed a Lego set from 1984 (ya know when the Tigers actually won the world series), anyhow, this Lego set I have is new, never opened but still the box is a little worn from storage, I listed hoping for a little cash. I did a little pre-work, watching others like it sell for a little more than $60, so I thought why not? I listed it started the bidding very low, added shipping and then received a ton of questions on it but the bidding was a bit sluggish. for the amazing part, today its at $250 dollars! Can you believe that? Why would anyone pay that for some old Legos, a small box at that? Its not really made of Gold, honest! that crazy or what? I was just thinking how am I gonna afford the new school books we need for next year, and then right there God provided, using EBAY at that! So here I stand for once truly amazed at the human spirit! :)
I will let ya'll know if goes any higher!