Sunday, December 28, 2008

Year end reflections

Wow, its been one of those years ....I think every year has left us with that sort of the end of it, but this year for us a little more than usual I guess.

When I look back over this past 12 months I am amazed at God's faithfulness. I am also amazed at my lack of gratefulness at times.

Let's see this year began with a lot of information gathering on Caleb's diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy which we had received in late 2007 (October, I think), lots of therapy and lots of tears on both mom's part and Caleb's part for not liking all that went with it. But with time and prayer (lots of prayer) we both have adjusted to life's ups and downs for the most part. God has shown us his love and grace in so many ways and has also shown us that nothing is impossible when we trust in him and give it all over to him. Caleb has made many HUGE improvements and with that came many trying days for all of us, but through the hard days God's power took over where my strength had diminished. God is good~all the time.

The older two boys have been so good this year. Both are homeschooled and excelling in many things. One of there greatest accomplishments this year is they have both read thru the entire bible (well they have 3 days left at present). I can honestly say they have done something that I have not done. I have began many times but never made it all the way through in one year. I am setting that goal for myself to do this year as well. The most exciting part about being a parent is seeing your kids grow in their walk with the Lord. I am so proud! Way to go boys! :)

Austin started youth group this year as well~another huge step in time for all of us! He seems to enjoy it most days! He loves the group that meets on Sunday mornings and is also enjoying the small group time (about 40+ kids) during the week. He hasn't really dove into the activities a whole lot yet this year, I think he is still a bit unsure of the whole thing. He did the first activity of the summer but it was a disaster, rained buckets and it was a water war day for the kids...I should of kept him home but I didn't want to disappoint him or the friend he took. Anyhow it was a horrible day and not one they either wanted to repeat again soon! So we lived and learned a bit from that one. Maybe next year will be better with his brother joining him as well.

Luke is my quiet sensitive child. Oh how I love his temperament at times and other times find it so maddening. He is so hard to understand for me ~ I am not quiet if you know me at all. I am easy to read I wear my emotions on my sleeve (or face) and so this has been my challenge. He is the most empathic of all my kids, he would make the best friend for anyone because of his caring spirit! I am praying for a way to better build our relationship this year. Luke is my hero! :)

My hubby~ wow he is the most supportive hubby anyone could ask for! He has been with me thru life's ups and many downs and still constantly encourages me to keep pushing forward! He has had a rough latter part of the year with his health. He was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease this past November. We are still working hard to get him back to his old self and the right amount of medication to stabilize his thyroid. We have heard that its a slow process and can take lots of time and patience. (For those of you who know me, yes, that is right PATIENCE, ha ha ha). So we are dealing with it. The other big issue for my Marc has been this yucky economy, jobs are dwindling in Michigan and many other places. We are still employed going into 2009 but not sure for how long as are most people we know. How awful for our guys to think they are never sure whether they will hold on to their stability till the end of the day or not....I am praying for a HUGE blessing to fall on my husband this year, he so deserves it! :)

Let's see all that is left then is me really~ I am blessed. Truly God has given me much more than I deserve and so much more than I can believe. I am striving to do many things in 2009 ~ lose more weight (14lbs down in 2008), study hard at school, to be able to have the privilege to teach my kids, and to continue to serve the Lord with all my heart and soul!

Well that about sums up 2008~

Until next time........or next year...... :)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve 2008

Today is the day...must have it all done by now or else PANIC! Okay so not panic really but wonder if you can finish in time. I have it pretty much together for the most part, still wrapping and baking a bit but mostly done! This year is different from past years, the economy has really put a damper on the Holidays and unfortunately we here at the Steppey's have felt it a bit harder this week. We just received a letter "a Christmas note" I keep calling it, anyhow it was Merry Christmas and oh we just cut your pay by 20% for the new year! I call that Merry Christmas US economy style! With all that said I know we are soo fortunate to have a job with all the lay offs and businesses closing in the area we are actually BLESSED. We will make due with what ever knowing that as long as we are together than we can stick it out here! I have been praying this week for a peace to settle on me, and I really somehow feel a little better. Yes I know the economy is still bad and things will probably get a lot worse before getting better but I still have that little bit of peace now. The kind of feeling like somehow its going to all work out~ I guess because it has too. Anyhow~enough of that money talk~

I am loving having the kind of Christmas that you can spend with your friends and family~ That is truly what it is all about for me ...we are hoping Marc's sister in her family will still be able to come up for the holiday, but the flu bug hit their house today so its still up in the air whether they will be able to make the trip or not!

I have presents to wrap and laundry to do before tomorrow so I am off to work on that! Sorry again its been a while since I wrote last ~ Life is just way too busy!

Until next time......and MERRY CHRISTMAS

P.S I forgot to mention I made the Dean's list this past semester at school and so far have a 4.0 YIPPEE! :)

Monday, December 8, 2008


Hi everyone,

Its been a really long time since I posted~Its December need I say more? Well let's see ...where do I begin? I have finals this week, one Wednesday for Psychology, and then one Saturday (computers), mostly not too worried although I know I am a bit stressed. So far I have an A so I can't do that badly I would think on the final ...just hoping to keep those A's and not turn them into B's... Fingers crossed, and all prayers welcome! :)

The kids are about the same, can't wait till Christmas, having a hard time concentrating in school to get through the month, you know all the normal stuff. Caleb is still enjoying preschool (sometimes a bit too much, I think) and speech therapy is going okay. Life will soon be more hectic I would imagine when we start back with Occupational and Physical days will be too short to do it all, but we will manage somehow, we always do! :)

The kids are currently working on a Christmas program to perform at my great aunt's place. Its an assisted living near Lakeside Mall. They are all very excited to share the meaning of Christmas with all the folks there. (oops, sorry my kids would be like what is a folk anyway mom?)...Anyhow, we will be doing that on the 15th, and then passing out cookies and candy canes with the legend of the candy cane attached. We have about 17 kids participating so it should go pretty well, I will keep ya posted on that one! :)

This weekend is our Christmas Auction...we are bringing it back this year after a long 5 year Hiatus, except it was always one of our homes now we are having down at the charity the money will go to. Its somehow more exciting to be able to share this place with others and let them see what its all about. This year all donations will go directly to LifeBuilders in Detroit. If you would like more info about LifeBuilders please visit their website at . You can donate online to help out at any time! Its a life changing place!

Well that is all I have for now...I promise to more dedicated to my blogging if you promise to read! :)

Until next time.....

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I am so angry

UGH! Sorry I haven't posted in a while...lots going on here...little time and all that jazz! today the kids have friends in to play in the basement, one of them even though they know they are not to play on my treadmill and/or the home gym downstairs, somehow the treadmill gets gunked...well someone gets hurt on it ...funny when they can't be near the dumb thing how they can get hurt on it ...but I am angry about that...then I go down to get something out of the fridge for the little guy and find that somehow at the last small group here we managed to break the hockey tell me how does this all happen and someone forgets to let the parents in on these things! UGH! I am just fed up with the lack of respect for things around here! They want all the new and latest "stuff" but can not take care of what they are given!

Well I am done letting off steam for a minute!

UGH! Maybe I should just wrap up the crap they break and give it to them again this year!

Until next time.....and very frustrated!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Life and the economy!

Hi everyone~

Well today was a stressful day. We here in Michigan are never quite sure if we will be employed from day to day with the economy being in the toilet. Anyhow today was just another one of those days! So still employed and thankful but still worried!

I had a test in my computers class to be done by midnight on Saturday that I finished today and also my homework for that class. I really have to say this class is much harder than I expected. I truly thought it was going to be my easiest class out of the whole lot but now I am beginning to wonder. Anyhow one week and one test down. Whew.... My Psychology class I have a paper due and presentation this coming week so I still need to work on that some this weekend. Then I can breathe for a bit...okay a day or so anyhow! Also I scheduled my next semester classes today....already worried about that ....but I will get through it all one day at a time just like this semester.

Well just wanted to update here and now I am off to relax....

Until next time.....

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Google Advertising, Hashimoto's and life

Hi everyone,

As you can see my blog looks a little different today. Google pulled my advertising without any explanation only that it wasn't making enough money to make it effective, and that the money I have earned won't be paid out to me. Nice huh? Even though the ads were not pulled until today the money earned in Sept and Oct won't even be paid, kind of makes you think GOOGLE is pulling a scam doesn't it? Of course they make it next to impossible to contact them to dispute anything but anyway...just wanted you to know why they are aren't there if you were using them! It stinks basically since I had earned over $300. Oh well ~live and learn!

On another note, Marc finally got his blood work back and he was officially diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease. Its a auto immune disease that effects his thyroid. As we understand it, its when the body's own cells attack itself, in his case in his thyroid, making it not function properly or at all. In Marc's case it was really not functioning at all. So he started this morning on a synthetic drug that replaces what his body isn't making anymore. It will take a while and may take a few different doses to get it right but all in all he should start to feel better in 4-6 weeks. Hopefully sooner, as he has been extremely tired and cranky :) !

So today is Wednesday, we have preschool in a bit for Caleb ~ they are making Stone soup today and we get to bring the carrot for that as well he has show and tell today. He has been waiting for it to be his turn for some time now....since our Florida trip he has wanted to bring in his new Light saber he got to make while in Disney. So need less to say he is very excited to go to day! Then the boys have MAFA, and I have some homework to do and then class tonight! :) Whew....

Well I am off ~just got off the treadmill and need a shower before we all get rolling here!

Until next time.....(shame on you GOOGLE!)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

No news on blood work yet...speech therapy

Well we are still waiting to hear back from the doctors office from the blood work Marc had done last week. Hopefully he will call tonight and let us know something. Marc just wants to know something and start to feel better.

Well let's see other an that today we are just working through school, made some yummy veggie beef soup for dinner, and trying to stay on top of the house pick up! Other than that just trying to stay warm! Its freezing out today....36 degrees....brrr.

Oh yes we also had speech this morning, today the therapist had Caleb hold smarties candy on his tongue and then hold it on the roof of his mouth for 5, 10 then 20 seconds. Mostly due to the fact that his tongue needs strengthened to better able him to pronunciate more accurately. Currently he hits his teeth every time he speaks a word, well not all words but a lot of them. Anyway all just issues from his CP, I really hate that ~ I just wish I could take it all away and make it easy for him like the other two boys. Its hard to watch him struggle to do the normal things we all take for granted! Okay enough of that....

So now we are just awaiting the phone to ring and give us news of Marc's results and hopefully just have a prescription called in and started and that's it! Simple would be good right now ~

Until we hear anything......

Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday Mornings.....

Mondays are the worst day of the week it seems around here, not all bad though because I do get out for a bit! (Thanks to the in-laws). Anyhow its just the hardest day to get everyone going around here....its already 9:30am and we are just moving like little turtles here! UGH! Anyhow....its t he start of a new week and we are going to push forward! We had a great weekend here! This morning we woke up to snow here...not a lot but enough that we had better put the cars in the garage from here on out! I really don't like it cold~why is it I live in Michigan then? FAMILY~ one word can sum that one up! :)

Well if I don't get moving its not going to help much around here so off I go to start the day!

Until next time.....

Sunday, November 9, 2008

TIme flies ...

Hey first off ~ No news yet on Marc's blood work, we are still waiting to hear anything , so I will let ya know when I know! :)

Now Today~ we celebrated my niece's 20th birthday! Where in the world does the time go? Seems only yesterday that we were taking her to the circus and my hubby threw away her snow cone and well she wasn't real happy about that at 2 yrs old! Oh dear, he didn't know back then that you can't really trust a 2 year old's answer about when she may be done with something! :) After all she's a girl and women can change their minds! :) Now as a much older and wiser man he knows not to throw away things of such importance! :)

So she's 20!!! Can you believe that? I really can't~ it seems just yesterday she was just a baby! I am feeling old! :( She is such a sweet lovely girl though, well woman, she is lovely lady! My little holly dolly grew into a beautiful woman over the past 20 years! What a wonderful wife she will make someone someday! Of course that poor guy will have to deal with lots of people before being approved .....lots of people! :)

Well I am off for a much needed rest after a very long and busy day!
Weekends just go way too fast!

Until next time.....

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hashimoto's Disease?

Okay well its Saturday,

We went to the doctor yesterday about Marc's thyroid level being low, well it was like extremely low~ he was the medical mystery of the week at the doc's office. Lowest he has ever seen! (even beat out a friend of ours, not that we were competing). Anyhow...they did a full Thyroid work up now and we awaiting results for that now. If indeed all this blood comes back as the doctor expects than he will be officially diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease. That basically means his body isn't producing any of the chemicals needed to make your thyroid function. If the blood work comes back with another issue, then they look into the pituitary gland issues, we are hoping for the first rather than the second, of course because its an easier fix and non threatening for the most part. Anyhow we are waiting now, to start on anything due to the results holding the answers we need to make a guess at what type of dose he needs to start with. Anyhow....keep praying for him ~currently his thyroid is functioning at less than 1% capacity.

Other news...I started my computer class today and I am already hating it! UGH...much harder than I thought, I feel like a complete idiot! So pray for me as well the next 5 weeks of Saturdays will be very stressful for me! :(

Well gotta run just wanted to update you all!

Until next time......

Friday, November 7, 2008

Thyroid levels...

Hi everyone,

Just a quick note...

Today is Friday! Yippee! I love that word, means a break from school and for the kids although for me it just signals another school day on Saturday, but all in all it means less stress for the most part. This weekend we have our small group here, my house isn't small group ready but it will be by Sunday. Its just going to take everyone working together to get it there! :) Anyhow, I start my computer classs tomorrow morning. Its from 9a-1240p, hopefully it will be interesting enough to make the time go by fast! :)

Caleb is at school right now so the other boys are plugging along in their school work without interruptions. :) The house is quiet with the exception of the dog licking the remnants of egg off her plate of leftovers, and me typing here....

This afternoon I am headed over to the doctors office to meet my hubby there, he was in last week for some routine blood work and it the office called yesterday and wants him in to see the doctor again to go over it. I hate that really, can't you tell me over the phone the results? They did tell him that his thyroid levels are extremely low, so I am sure that will mean some kind of medication and or more tests to run. This past week he had a second opinion on his ear ringing and dizziness issues, they say its Menieres disease most likely. The only way to know for sure if it is that is autopsy so since we aren't going to go that far we only have the symptoms to go on. :) Unfortunately those same symptoms could be a thousand other things as well, like stress. Anyhow, maybe the thyroid thing is the cause? matter what I have some questions for doctor as off we will go at 4pm. Pray we are able to understand what needs to be done and if they can tell us the cause and not just treat the symptoms. My poor hubby has been really discouraged that they can't determine the problem of his dizzy spells ...its frustrating really. Anyhow...that is about all I know for now I will post later after our appt.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Until next time......

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Hey everyone,

I got an A on my midterm in Psychology! YIPPEE! 100%! Great way to start now I just have to keep it up! :) One down! :)

So anyhow...a lot of stuff going on around here....we have small group here this weekend, I am wondering why it is this house can get so bad so fast! It seems when its clean it should be easy to keep it that way but its more work keeping it up at times I think! So anyway....we are doing school now, a little behind from election day and picture day and MAFA, oh dear life just interupts here quite often. So today we catch up! Anyhow, I am in the middle of cleaning, school, and baking some pumpkin bread. I still have to write my paper, prepare my presentation and get to my computer class this weekend, but all in all it will fall into place.

Well I am off to work...around here that is...we have a busy day and then on to the chiropractor!

Until next time....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mighty to save

After a painful evening of watching the polls come in, I truly felt defeated. I have wondered many times today how our great nation has come this far? How is it that we can see fit to the senseless killing of the unborn? How can we have elected a senator that is so far to the left in his thinking on every issue to the extent of removing the American flag from his aircraft? Who doesn't stand with his hand over his heart while we pledge allegiance to this great nation? How could we let a person like that run our nation, while he openly shows no love for it? It boggles my mind....

My poor Luke (my middle child) is devastated as well, or fearful you may say of his future (smart kid by the way). Even at 10 years old he realizes the consequences of our actions and how we will all have to live with that. I voted with my true heart resting on the person who held the most common ground with what I believed. No that person was not perfect and on some issues I would not agree but at least some of our values lined up, it was not so on the person who won this election. Will I respect his office, our new president? Yes I will, but that doesn't mean I will respect or agree with his actions while in that office. Will I pray for him daily, yes I will. No one in that office should go without prayer on any decision made that will effect our future and that of my children.

Zephaniah 3:17 spoke volumes to me today: The Lord your God is with you , he is mighty to save. He will take delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.

Can you imagine it with me? God quieting you with his love, like a child who is upset he strokes our hair and sings over us to calm our fears. I am so glad I serve a God who cares that deeply for me, do you serve him too? Isn't it great to know that our God is so much bigger than a public office! Bigger than our government! Bigger that any person in the white house no matter who they are! Our God can move mountains, this is just a not even a worry for him, if a 1000 days is like just a day to God what is four years on his name and pray for this nation to be restored from what it has become, ask God for him to put obstacles in the way of evil and not to allow them. If just one person praying could stop God from destroying whole cities in the old testament imagine what all of our prayers could accomplish~

Thanks for listening and remember my GOD is MIGHTY TO SAVE this nation! Are you praying for it? You should be!

Until next time.....

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


All I have to say right now is pray, vote and then pray some more! Pray for all those who will be elected today, pray for honest moral men and women to lead this nation again to greatness!


Until next time.....

Monday, November 3, 2008


Tomorrow is ELECTION day! Already it is here and we can be done with all the negative ads that are endless it seems! Well today we started our day with prayer, for the election and our nation at this time of transition. I told the kids if each one would pray one thing, simple once sentence prayer. First we discussed all the things that this election can decide and each one was to pray for whatever they felt led to. So I took the opening, Luke went went next, praying for our next president that God would lead this man and that the right man would make it into office. Caleb was next, "AMEN" he says....although it was humorous and we kind of chuckled, it was okay. After all AMEN, does mean "so be it". Well it was then Austin's turn and he couldn't think of what he wanted to pray, so Caleb said "I will go again"....this time he prayed for school. So we prayed for all the schools and what this election may hold in their futures. Then Austin ended the prayer with praying for our congress and senate seats that would be decided. All in all a very productive prayer.
"Thank you Lord for letting me teach my children the important things in life! Please allow these precious freedoms to continue and for this great nation to stay strong in its morals and values and not let what our forefathers set forth as law be destroyed. Give wisdom to those undecided in their vote speak to their hearts and let your will be done. Give us the wisdom to be able to deal with the outcome of this vote and let our trust in you get us through."
AMEN (as Caleb would say! )

Until next time.....

Sunday, November 2, 2008

November already?

Wow, somehow its already November again and it just doesn't seem possible! Where does the time go really? Seems like the older I get the faster it goes. :( Typically I don't like much about this month with the exception of Thanksgiving (this is my favorite holiday) Anyhow its the weather that usually dampers the month for me I think. Its mostly gray and dreary and cold! Plus I lost my grandma in this month 12 years ago the end of this month. I sure do miss her, everything about her really, her and my Papa, they were such a part of my life growing up, how I wish they had a chance to meet my own children. I know I see will see them both in Heaven and can hardly wait to catch up then.

Well....anyhow. Today is Sunday afternoon, a rather decent day weather wise, and really just a lazy afternoon for once, although I have plenty to do here we don't have to go anywhere which is sooo nice! We don't have many of those days really! Marc is bowling with some church guys and the kids are playing outside right now so I am pretty much enjoying the quiet, knowing it never lasts long....

Tomorrow I have my annual mammogram scheduled in the morning and Caleb has preschool and well its a typical Monday I suppose...don't ya wish weeks didn't start with Mondays? Okay I realize then Tuesday would be "Monday" but ya know what I mean....Mondays are kind of our way to fight to save the weekend around here....although it never works~ its one of those days where everything seems to take longer to get through, hopefully it won't be one of those weeks this time.

Well I really need to get something accomplished around here.
Until next time.....

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Shower time!

Tonight is shower night around here again. My little guy hates bathing or a shower for that matter....fights, kicks, screams, you name it! UGH! Its sooo frustrating! Right now its daddy's turn to give it tonight and I am listening to the antics going on! Not fun....once in there he is fine its the getting there that is the problem. Why is it such a big deal? We all shower, well I hope you do! :) Anyhow...around here its a chore! The older two aren't as bad ~ they still complain they have to take one at the time but getting them out is a problem there water ~bye bye!

Well tonight we fall back...time wise anyhow. Its nice to think we gain an hour of rest but I hate that its so dark then by dinner. Go to work in the dark come home in the dark, such a vicious cycle....makes winter seem so long! :( Oh well no one asked me how it should be so I guess that is the way it is! :)

Well I am going to work on home work for a bit now...
Until next time....

Friday, October 31, 2008

60's and loving it!

Just wanted to make a comment on the weather today! Its sooo beautiful outside right now. Its 68 degrees, sunny and perfect fall foliage is everywhere! It is one of the days you just want to freeze in time and relive over and over again. I could take this all winter! Ha ha ha, yes I know that is not possible here in Michigan but just for today I am going to relish it! :)
Get out there, walk, run, bike ride, do something....hey trick or treat even! :)

Until next time......


Hi everyone,

Well its Halloween today! But more important its Friday! :) We have never been very big on Halloween around here with our kids...don't get me wrong they have had their share of the candy just not a lot of the holiday per se! We for the most part don't do a lot of trick or treating...a few close neighbors at most if any. Most years the kids have wanted to go to my parents church indoor games/jump house/free food/lots of candy kind of party they throw for the neighborhood. One year we took them trick or treating because they thought they would like to try that ...too much work for the same outcome they thought. :) You see they get as much if not more junk from the other party. We also have had the opportunity to go to my brother n laws work trick or treat party for a couple years. The kids already have soo much candy if we just stayed home tonight and did nothing we would be set, but they enjoy the games and other things at the church as well so we will go there. When Caleb was about 2yrs old we took him to a neighbor or two (the year the boys wanted to go out), what a nightmare that was literally! One house had the super scary thing jumping out of the ground at you and spooky set up ....well the poor kid had nightmares for months...actually he still will not turn off his light since then while falling asleep! Scarred for life I suppose (bad mom)! :(

So its am preschool today, we barely made it again! Youth group on Thursday nights always has the older two boys sleeping in on Friday (they are usually up by 7am). Caleb is not my early riser (at least I have one who is like his mom), he likes to sleep in at least till 9am most days it was rush around again this morning, but he made it with a minute to spare. :) So now we are working like crazy people to get as much done as we can while he is gone! Homeschooling while he is at school is sooo much easier! We get by with him here too but it is more productive while he is away to be truthful.

Well I am needed to move on mow...independent work time is over! :)

Until next time....

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Little things...

Isn't life funny....don't we all want things fast...I mean we have fast food, easy money access with ATM's everywhere, express lines at the grocery store, etc....on demand cable. Well that last one just doesn't seem fast enough for some of us either. My little guy who really isn't a TV watcher much anymore...seems today wants to sit and veg, anyhow he would like to pick what order he will watch things. Today its that he wants Backyardigans before Diego, well I just can't do that today. At least he was okay with that for a bit, especially because he probably won't sit there long enough to see both anyhow. But don't tell him that right now! :)

School is done so we are now gathering the books and putting them away for the day. Now on to dinner...what should we have. Its another short night here, dinner quick then get one to youth group while the other two try to get to bed early for another early Friday. Fridays are tough on us here....Caleb goes to school at 9am on only one day of the week! WHEW ~ its a good thing too! We are horrible about getting out the door before nine with all of us. We are used to our mornings being restful and productive but not always ready to face the world out the door kind of ready! Ya know what I mean? Don't get me wrong we aren't sitting around here in our pjs all day while we work through school we just don't get moving that needless to say Fridays are our trouble days. If it must go wrong it usually does on Fridays. Even with prep work on my part we can still push the limits of time. Its a good thing we picked a close preschool! :)

Well I had better stop typing and get working on some must do items around here....
Until next time....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Preschool, MAFA, Midterm ...oh my!

Hi everyone,

Today is Wednesday again....which around here means get Caleb off to preschool, today for a Halloween party, then the boys dropped off at MAFA, then back to preschool for pick up and then back to get the boys....very much a taxi sort of day for mom! Anyhow...then its on to my class this evening for my midterm.

So today I have to get Caleb to school in his costume ...he is a skeleton this year. Its rather tight already, kind of a jump suit type, but hard to get lots under it like jeans the dilemma, does he put pj pants under it? He doesn't want that of course, going to school in pjs is against his little 4yr old rules. So I have sweats on him right now...he also doesn't like sweats (thinks they are pjs again) UGH! So anyhow...the other thing is if he has to go the bathroom at school poor kid will never be able to get that thing off! Oh dear...what a bad mom getting this costume! UGH! Oh well we will see what will end up with....What's a little more stress in an already stressful day! :)

MAFA starts at 1pm, (preschool 12:30), so we don't have any time to lag behind here. Anyhow, today Luke is a bit worried, since we were gone on vacation for a week then he was sick last week he has now missed two MAFA's...which in his mind is dreadful! Poor kid is my worrier! So he is thinking he will be very behind and that is very stressful for him! So pray he does well today if you happen to remember us around that time of day!

Midterm tonight....first one....oh and did I mention my professor is a very nice man but I am not really sure what will be on the test, he likes to talk about current economic woes not much book stuff. So if the test would be on that ~well pray for me too! :)

Well I am off and running....just wanted to write now before the marathon began!
Until next time....

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Man that's it!

Seems we have a new phrase at the Steppey House. Our now 4.5 yr old seems to get mad at us frequently lately, he is going through a stage, anyhow his favorite line is now "Man, that's it! " Translation: Done with you guys, I am not getting my way and I want you to give in!

Well tonight was over candy corn or dinner. He was very upset with me that we were having Chicken, baked potatoes, and salad, rather than candy corn by the handfuls! I am such a mean mom! Meanest in the world at times! :) Anyhow...he just had a fit that we wouldn't let him go with out dinner and skip to candy! Its now after dinner and we all have survived some of us less scathed then others but all in all still a successful dinner!

Wonder what other trouble I can cause tonight before bedtime....
Until next time....

Monday, October 27, 2008

Google to the right

Hi everyone,

Okay I added a new feature on my blog today. Its a search bar from Google, just like any other google search except this one earns me some more cashola! YIPPEE! Anyway ~ what you do is type something in the bar there...example cats. It will take you to a new result page and at the top there will be a box of ads, then another list ....if you click on the ads within the box (usually 4 of them) whamo I am earning some more money for tuition and school books!

Any help would be great! Keep clicking on those other ads as well...still earning me money!

Thanks again!

Until next time....

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Today was Sunday (well still is, what is left of it anyhow), we had a busy day as usual. Started with the treadmill and then on to church and ended with our small group this morning while exercising (I do some of my best thinking at this time) I was feeling really anxious I guess. With the turmoil of the economy, upcoming election, jobs in jeopardy, was all weighing pretty heavy on me. A song on my Ipod really hit the spot today so to say...its by 33 Miles, Hold on. I will leave ya with the words to the song today but check it out on itunes if you have the chance to listen to it, its worth it! Okay so now off to church~the topic this morning "Godliness" and the Fruits of the Spirit...anyhow the one thing that really hit me today was when our pastor asked questions about how we would rate ourselves on the fruits of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control) A scale of 1-10, one being the coldest 10 the hottest, could not use 5, no average Christians allowed. Anyhow with each one he would ask a quick question to give you an idea of what it meant so you could evaluate your walk a bit. Anyhow to be honest I am feeling not so great about my scores, but the one that hit me the hardest today was peace. I have a hard time saying I am at peace right now with everything going on in my life. I do know in my head and heart that I believe that God has a plan for my life and he will take care of me no matter what this present day has in store~ but to say I am not uneasy with things would be lying. He mentioned today that Fear is the opposite of Faith or having more faith in the devil than in God to overcome it. Anyhow...I guess these are the times when your faith grows more ...or so I have heard anyway. When met with hard times how we handle it says more about our character than anything else. Well today I was challenged really to live out those fruits more and let God take that control at all times...why is it we pull back on the reigns all the time? Its easy when things are going well to say wow God is good. Today when things are so scary and uncertain I am saying GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME, even when we don't know what he has for us next!
The definition of Godliness~ a life long process of becoming more and more like Jesus.
To say I am not there yet is an understatement, but I am going to keep on putting forth that effort! This song below really sums up how I was feeling this past week....the part about the current pulling me under and then when its dark I'll light your way was so real to me. That was the perfect description of how I was letting the world and all its troubles make me lose sight of what the real picture is and that is this world is not my home, I am just passing through. I will spend my eternity in Heaven with Christ and that is the ultimate goal! :)
Lord light all of our ways this week!
Thanks for listening to my ramblings today....
Until next time....

I've been there a thousand times
Felt the rain like a thousand knives and it hurts
I know it hurts
I've been there like a fighter plane
Trying to fly my way through a hurricane and it's hard
I know it's hard
Don't be afraid
You'll make it through
Just call out to me
And I'll come running to you
And hold on, hold on
When the current pulls you under
And your heart beats like thunder
Just give me your hand
And hold on, hold on
Until the storm is over
And I'll be fighting for you
Just give me your hand
And hold on
I'll give you hope, I'll give you faith
And when it's dark, I'll light the way
For you, for you
I'm by your side until the end
Until you're standing tall again
I'm here, I'll always be here
And if the tide sweeps you out to sea
When your strength is gone
And it's hard to believe
Hold on, hold on
When the current pulls you under
And your heart beats like thunder
Just give me your hand
And hold on, hold on
Until the storm is over
And I'll be fighting for you
Just give me your hand
Hold on
So hold on, hold on
When the current pulls you under
And your heart beats like thunder
Just give me your hand
And hold on, hold on
Until the storm is over
And I'll be fighting for you
Just give me your hand
And hold on
Hold on, oooooooh

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Customer Service anyone???

Hi ~

I was out today making a return and while standing in line waiting I was taken back really with how there really doesn't seem to be anything called Customer Service anymore....when did that happen really? I mean when I was a teenager working you were indoctrinated that the "customer's always right" the tide has changed really and it seems the customer has no rights! Today I witnessed the customer is "never" right really. You snooze you lose attitude was abundant! In today society with people all over out of jobs it seems that if you have one you really need to thankful and those customers are why you are employed, so my best advice is treat them kindly or your job may be next....

Just my 2 cents...

Until next time....

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thank God its Friday!

I am so glad its Friday! We have so much to Thankful for in this present day~ family & friends, employment, good health, a warm home, food in our tummys, etc. I am so thankful for all those things and wish to pass this legacy on to my children. We live today in a ungrateful nation in my humble opinion, we take so much for granted. We are so blessed to live in this FREE country and for all our service men and women who are putting their lives on the line for that Freedom daily! Have you run into people who seem to have forgotten that Freedom isn't FREE? Seems like lately I keep hearing these why are we over there fighting anyway? COME ON PEOPLE! These young people are fighting for our freedom to continue here in the United States, don't they get it? Sorry it just can make me so angry sometimes to hear people take things for granted! We all do it with something or another...whether its that you just went to a restaurant or store and were able to buy food, or you were able to cast your vote for a president, both of them require us to be thankful! They are a privilege!

Well here today at the Steppey house, we are able to go to a Halloween party at my brother n law's workplace tonight! The kids so enjoy this activity, (okay so do their parents) they have trick or treating at each office door, and crafts to make and take and even dinner is provided! All this for free! What a nice night ahead! :) Plus the best part its indoors out of the cold! The kids actually get more candy there than actually going door to door on Halloween! :) Anyhow I think I have been asked by my little guy today about 100 times when we are leaving ???? Its still a few hours away so I expect some more to come! :) So exciting....

This weekend is supposed to be kind of dreary around here in Michigan. Big changes from our trip to Florida! No more sunshine here....its on to clouds and gray till March. Oh how I dislike the winter. But hey I am still thankful for heat in the house to get through this winter! :) Anyhow...we plan on getting some stuff indoors this weekend and maybe next week work outside with what is still left to do there.

Gotta run a child is calling!

Until next time.....

P.S keep clicking those ads here I have covered this semesters books but now am working on next semesters! :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008 accomplished!

Okay the boys room is done it just needs the daily upkeep that I will need to stay on top of! Boys are just gross, did you know it? The preteen years just start to make you wonder how they ever make it to adulthood! Whew...did I mention the smells....not good. :( Even the boys thought I did good, that is saying a lot when they notice that their room isn't growing things!

Anyhow...I just wanted to post and let you all know out there I almost made enough to cover all my books for school this semester with your help! Click those ads here on the side of the screen each one once and you just earned me a little cash! Thank you so much! I am 6 bucks away from my total for books! Isn't that awesome! So keep clicking you can do it once a day from each IP address you have access to!

Okay now I am off to relax...we have a busy day tomorrow and lots to prepare for!

Until next time....

A bit overwhelmed....

Hello out there....

I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with my life right now. Really my house and the stuff that needs done in it...its as if no one picks up after themselves at all here. Well not as if, really they just don't! There are five of us here and it seems I am not enough for that job with the other responsibilities I have crowding in too now....

School is good, mine anyway. I am hanging in there with that. The house is a mess, the basement even worse and the boys rooms ...well let's just say you could get lost in them. Literally! So...what is a mom to do? This one has been ranting this morning! Not a good thing really, it accomplishes nothing. So we are working this weekend on getting things in order. Its supposed to be rainy outside and so lots of things inside can get done! Then maybe next week we can tackle the garage and outdoors.

I have a research paper and a presentation to work on this week as well and my midterm in this coming week and then of course I start my next class soon as well I think not this week but next Saturday! UGH....well I am off to tackle the world now! Wish me luck!

Until next time.....

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


We are home from our trip to Florida! It was so incredibly awesome! We had great weather and lots of sunshine! The kids were well behaved and we really didn't have much trouble until Caleb got sick with some fever rash thingy....he survived and now is much better. Luke now has the fever thingy, no rash as of yet! :)
Its so hard going back to a scheduled life after having a break! We did school today, had speech therapy and did some grocery shopping too, so not bad for a first day back. I could not have done that if my hubby hadn't taken day he returned off too! Thank goodness! So even with a sick kid and lots of tired campers we are another day down in our school year! Tomorrow its back to Preschool for Caleb and on to MAFA for the boys! (hopefully both of them)
Well I have homework of my own to finish for tomorrow nights class so off I go to work on that!
Please don't forget to click on those pesky ads to the side here, really they are helping me pay off my school bills! At least books! :)
Until next time.....

Saturday, October 11, 2008

More ads....

*******Okay I just found on someone else's site that if you click these ads here to the right side of the page-------> I know you already know this but I get paid. Okay the new thing is though the ads have little arrows at the bottom of them, see them ? They look like little greater than- less than signs but upright....anyway it changes the ad to click, if you click all of them I get more cash! YIPPEE! Okay so I am still new to this and still learning but hey I have made $100 bucks so far....not a ton but enough to cover my school text book so far! :) Click at your leisure, but please click daily and keep me going here! :) ************
Okay a little more stuff going here....
We leave for Florida tomorrow! (one more sleep for kids out there)
I can't wait to go! I have tons to do before I leave but I am so emotionally ready for a vacation!
Did you know that there is actually something called vacation stress? I didn't either but there is! I know this because I have first hand knowledge of it this week! You see we have two dogs, and one was going to a friends, and the other to in laws (bless their hearts)...anyhow the friend that was going to keep the one has a dog herself, a big one (St Bernard) anyhow, Chino (our pup) and their pup did not have the best introduction! They were not going to be staying together in the same house let's just say! Oh dear! So anyhow...we were panicked its not like we have tons of extra cash to afford the kennel, and he is a quirky dog so he wouldn't of fared well there either...anyhow as of this morning, my dear wonderful in laws have agreed to watch the two here....Whew what a relief! So anyway all that to say there really is Vacation Stress....but like the other stresses in life none of them are worth worrying over! :)
Thanks mom & dad for keeping our little boogers!!
Until next time....

Thursday, October 9, 2008

How many more sleeps?

"How many more sleeps?" asks my 4 year old every day lately! You see in our family that is how he counts how many more days till we leave for vacation! It works really well for him. :)

So we leave for Florida this weekend, I can't wait! I am so excited, to just go and relax and forget about the silly economy, job security, and therapy, as well as school! (Okay yes I am taking my homework with me~midterm is coming) Anyhow I just want to go and lay in the sun and play with the kids and really enjoy our time! :) This time we are going to Vero Beach's Disney resort, its Disney on the ocean basically, although very relaxed and not at all like the busy theme park packed days. They have tons to do for the kids and adults alike and a great water slide into in the large pool and of course the ocean for those of you who like to be more daring! I personally love to look at it and walk next to it but going into it isn't really my style! Those hidden creatures are not much too my liking! :) I LOVE to listen to it though! Its sooo relaxing to sit out on the patio of the villa and just watch and listen to the waves! The power of the ocean so reminds me of God's unlimited resources and endless power! Its his design and his creation, to me its just that perfect reminder that there is GOD and his limits are endless! :)

This past week we had Caleb's speech therapy session, 2nd one there but technically the first one was all testing and evaluation stuff! Anyhow...He scored really well on comprehension and well not so well on expression (the getting it out part- in his speech) So really nothing we didn't know, he has not struggled with cognitive skills ever its always been the muscle weakness part that makes the trouble! Anyhow...back we went and will be at it now on Tuesday's each week for quite some time to come, I suppose! More things to schedule for that's all! :(

Well I have tons of things to get done around here and many things to do to pack

Oh....there are only 3 more sleeps!

Until next time.....

Monday, October 6, 2008

ADS here ...

Okay so the ads to the side of this blog , do you see them? When you click on the ads they take you a site, whenever you do that I earn some much needed cash, so please take a quick second (literally) and click each day! Thanks
Until next time....

Thursday, October 2, 2008


I am sitting here wondering what to write a research paper on this morning.....

I had my first Psychology class night and we have to write a paper on something that interests us in the field of Psychology or a great psych pioneer such as Freud. I just haven't quite decided what to write about....I would like to just get it done...but then again I would like to learn from it as well. :) SO here I sit wondering.....

My life seems to be turned upside down right now....I can't seem to keep up with anything. I really need to better manage my time....I should probably not be writing this but working on something else right now! I have laundry piles, dishes to wash, floors to clean, papers to write, kids to teach, etc...but I am still here typing ....UGH!

I need to stop and regroup and make a plan....need to go do that! I'll let you know on the paper topic as soon as I decide....Funny remember I didn't want to have to write a paper this semester and have already two due and its only one week into the game! :)

Until next time....

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Well its a new day here.....

Today I feel a bit better, but still like a big black cloud is lurking just around the corner. We are still employed....we still have medical insurance (which sounds like a huge plus with so many not having it)....we are still current on bills....we have a roof over our heads....we are well fed (sometimes too well)...and we have each other.

Wednesdays around here are very fluid...we go go go...Get up try to focus on Math and Reading and then its off to Preschool with Caleb, then on to MAFA with the boys, and back to pick up ..then off to my class tonight. Home by 10pm....its a long day ahead.

Gotta run
Until Next time .....

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Its not fair....

How many times do you hear that a day? I really hate hearing it...but what I hate more is feeling like that myself....most of you who know me would probably say I am a positive person but today I don't feel like one. I am really wanting to shout at the top of my lungs right now! ITS NOT FAIR! You see I have three children, all of which are great kids and really bright and fun to be with for the most part...but my youngest has Cerebral Palsy, mild one at that but none the less he still has it. Most days I can really forget about it but today we had our Speech evaluation appointment. I know he is getting harder to understand, mostly because his vocabulary is increasing daily and of course more words mean more issues of pronunciation. You see as a parent we want everything for our child, and more importantly we hate to see them struggle....even at the times we see it necessary for them to succeed. Today was just plain HARD....I watched as my child struggled and worse yet watched him know that he wasn't up to par in his little mind! Even at 4 years of age he is self conscious does that happen so young? See its not fair! :( I hate feeling like this....

Well I am off to read for my class tomorrow ...pray for me I am very stressed ~
Until next time...

Monday, September 29, 2008

Quick note

Its been a while...I think almost a!
Well let's see to catch ya up ~
*We are still on shaky ground with employment
*I am still enrolled in school, first "real" class this Wednesday
*Still not in favor of Obama
That is the short version.
I am really tired and have some more reading to do before bed, so I will update you some more tomorrow!
Until next time.....

Thursday, September 25, 2008

College Success


Today I start a class for those returning to school after a long period....yes its been a looooong time for me, really almost 15 that sounds bad doesn't it?

I am heading back to possibly pursue Nursing, or something like that anyhow...
The class tonight is two sessions, tonight and then next Thursday. I also start a Psychology class this next Wednesday. I am a little nervous about how all this is going to fit into my current life.

Well ~ wish me luck! I will let y'all know how it goes....

Off for the kids final splash in the pool before closing it down.....

Until next time....

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New attitude!

I had such a bad day yesterday...was just in a bad mood all day long for no real reason. Don't ya hate those kind of days? I sure do! Anyhow...this morning is different. I woke up this morning knowing that today is a new day, another chance, a gift really! I walked on the treadmill, gave my little guy a quick shower before school and will soon be leaving to take them to MAFA. While on the treadmill I reflected on some the last 4 months I have lost 11 pounds, decided to go back to school, and have started the never ending climb to get out of debt. Whoa ~ I thought....that is a lot of major changes. I mean really like life changing stuff! I was listening to my Ipod while I walked and a song really struck me this morning more than any other time I heard it...Matthew West's "You got something to say" it was so much more than a song really spoke to me. I do have a lot to say (those of you who know me well can truly attest to that! Keep your giggling to a dull roar please) anyhow I will include the words to the song here at the end... I think that is alright, isn't it? Not like I am stealing them ....well anyway I will post them. Think about all have something to say! So speak!
Wake up, 7:32 AM
Can't believe it's time to do it over again
Yesterday, it took all that you had
And you're wonderin' if you'll ever get it back
But the whole wide world is waiting for
Waiting for you to step out that door
Come on and let your life be heard today
You got something to say
If you're livin', if you're breathin'
You got something to say
And you know if your heart is beatin'
You got something to say
And no one can say it like you do
God is love and love speaks through
You got it, you got itYou got something to say
Yeah, yeah
Something to sayYeah,
oh Listen up,
I got a question here
Would anybody miss you if you disappeared?
Well your life is the song that you sing
And the whole wide world is listening
Well the answer to the question is
You were created, your life is a gift
and The lights are shining on you today,
'cause You got something to say
If you're livin', if you're breathin'
You got something to say
And you know if your heart is beatin'
You got something to say
And no one can say it like you do
God is love and love speaks through
You got it, you got it
You got something to say
Yeah You got something to say
Come on, come on, yeah
Sing na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na
Na na na na na,
yeah Listen up,
I got a question here
Would anybody miss you if you disappeared?
Well your life is the song that you sing
And the whole wide world is listening
Oh You got something to say
And no one can say it like you do
God is love and love speaks through
You got it, you got it
You got something to say
Yeah Something to say
Come on, come on, yeah
And the world is listening now
And the lights are shining down
Shining down on you today,
'causeYou got something to say
So just say it
Until Next time.....

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Life ....

Isn't life a little thing like a job can cause sooo much stress in one's life? Job Searching, First day job jitters, job politics, and then of course job loss....all of them are stresses that add to our everyday lives. I remember one first day on the job years ago, before marriage, kids, all started with a cold/sinus infection, I woke up all ready for my first day on the new job feeling awful. I knew how bad it would be to call in, not that I would have anyway...but instead I took the good ole sinus med out on the market at the time, SUDAFED. Well after arriving at work it went down hill incredibly fast...I was feeling so nauseous and light headed and started sweating was really bad. I excused myself to use the restroom and didn't think I would make it back to my desk alive....literally! When I did, my new boss looked shaken after seeing me...what was wrong with this girl, she was thinking, she asked if I was alright and I told her just a head cold....HA! What was wrong with me, I was thinking to myself??? Needless to say I left work shortly after this conversation with my new not so impressed boss....she thought I know I was either on drugs or pregnant I am sure. I was neither, but I was never to take Sudafed or like products again...after leaving there I went straight to the doctor who said my blood pressure had plummeted so low on the cold meds that it was a wonder I could even stand up....what a first impression.
Well...that job lasted a long time for me after the first day! Thankfully the company was very gracious and all were very concerned about me, they even later attended my wedding. :)

So current job is teaching. I teach my children school. Can be very stressful but very rewarding at the same time. My hubby's job is stressful as well, mostly from wondering about this Michigan economy~he has seen so many layoffs of those around him now for so long its to the point where I dread if he calls early in the day or comes in not so late from work, thinking that he was let go...its an ever present threat here. Not a good stressor, from that stress in the past year he has ended up with anxiety issues, fear of taking vacation, staying later to do whatever they need, always putting work first ....its a rough road to haul! We have seen so many of our close friends leave the state in the past three years its ridiculous. We understand their leaving but the loss is still there....hard to see life long friends torn and tattered from the battle of a job!

So what to do ? I have been praying for peace a lot lately ....I know who is in control and trust him completely. I still fear for these uncertain times though mostly for my kids, what this would do for their sense of security. God is all knowing and already he has the outcome in his plan, we are not worthy of what we have currently and of what good he has for our future.
Thanks for listening to me ramble.....

P.S has anyone joined us in the New Testament Challenge yet? I would love to know...leave me a note!
Until next time....

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Employment~ Life

Hi everyone,

We are still employed as of today, going into a new work week we are skeptical of course but hopeful! They will be letting lots go soon, we just don't when our time is up so to speak....will he be there until they close their doors or gone sooner, will they even close their doors or will someone step in and purchase what is left?? So many questions so few is full of uncertainties it seems lately! We are just going to keep going along until we are told not to I suppose....

I just wanted to post for those of you were wondering! I'll keep ya informed!

Please keep praying for us and the many others who have met with uncertain times ahead....
Until next time....

Friday, September 19, 2008

Jobs Jobs and No more jobs....

For those of you who know the Michigan economy you already know how bad it is...for those who do not....well it stinks, has for a quite a while now really but we are still hanging in there.

Yesterday at work Marc gets the "old polish up that old resume speech", what does that mean anyhow? I mean really why not just say really worry that you may not have a job soon! Isn't that awful! I mean what else can he do really? Polish? What does that mean, as if he can add some super great things there that ensure a new job in the waiting? UGH! The whole thing is just awful! now I have a sick feeling in the pit of my gut, and I am sure my hubby's is worse! That wondering if today will be your last day? Will they give us any notice, will we get our vacation time that was built up at the very least? Will we get a severance package? All the endless questions whirling in my mind....with asthmatics will we go long without insurance, with Caleb's CP will he be able to get any therapy??? Oh the list is forever long in my mind...
Yes I know the Lord will provide for our every need and I need to just trust that but in my human heart I am still struggling, that nature of I can fix things is battling the one who holds the future in his hands....
I want to scream "its not fair!" But what good is that? Does it help? No!~ I am hanging on to the verses I just read the other day in my bible reading, Matthew 6:25-34.
Praying for good outcomes ~
Until next time

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Apple Orchard, Bedtimes, & Bills....Oh no! :)

Well here I am after a long day of school, a trip to the Apple Orchard, and lots of bills to pay! School went well today, this year we are studying the years 1850 to modern times, one of things we will learn this year is the Presidents (starting with the 13th, Millard Fillmore 1850-1853), anyhow~ I never liked History much as a kid, but now I just can't get enough at times. Are you like that too or is it just me? The kids were great about it too, they are making a booklet for them and all the info goes on a sheet then gets filed in their History folders. Anyhow....they both seem to love Science as well! We are just having a good school year so far and that is a "wow moment" for a mom! :)
Okay then this afternoon we did a field trip of sorts, okay so it was an outing at least...headed out to Blake's Orchard and picked some apples (which we needed to make an apple pie, also part of school), and well of course we had to get cider & donuts too. (Not the Weight Watcher approved kind either, so none for mom). The orchards were flooded from all the rain we had this past weekend and it was really hard to get to a tree to pick, needless to say the boys were drenched, shoes, socks, pant get the picture. But all and all we did fine and brought home some great apples.
Well its bedtime around here and like most days we are struggling to get everyone down and read to and done with Bible reading, etc. Its a never ending thing around here...someone is always getting up for something they "forgot". Why can't you just go to bed, curl up, sleep and give mom that much needed BREAK! UGH! Oh well ...Bills are awaiting me and they don't seem to wait either so off I go to break the bank!
Until next time....

Sunday, September 14, 2008

New Testament Challenge

Here it is September already and our church is having a huge campaign for reading the New Testament through together in our growth groups (small groups, new name) and in the weekly services over the next 10 weeks. The slogan is something like "you say you believe it~ but have you read it?" So I ask you have you read through the New Testament? Have you read through your whole bible? What an accomplishment I believe that to be! Truthfully I have started reading many times with the intention of finishing it through the year and have well ....given up somewhere along the lines...
My mom challenged my two older boys (9&10) at the time to read through their entire bible this last January ....she offered to pay them $100 if they stuck to it and read through in a year times, she also provided them with the one year bible to follow. Not just my boys were challenged, all the grandchildren were, with the exception of two youngest then both 3 years old.
Well its been a long haul trying to keep up all summer with it, and while they have fallen behind a couple times, they are still plugging along with it and I KNOW they will finish it within the year. It is awesome for me to consider at such a young age they will have done something that so many adults can't say they have done! I am so proud of them!
Okay so back to Heritage Church and their challenge, are you up for it? You (all my readers) can also join this challenge~you don't have to attend the church to be a part (although you are welcome)...
Let me know if you decide to accept the challenge~the church is even providing a new testament and CD, as well as a study guide for you~ All free of charge.
Interested let me know!
Leave me a note on my blog here ....
Until next time~

Friday, September 12, 2008


Hello out there in BLOG world.... I am writing to let you all know that I am allowing these ads to run here to the right of my blog for a reason....if you click on them I get a pay check eventually! Would you mind making a little note to visit daily if you are on the computer that often anyway, just a click is all it takes you don't have to linger at the site at all, clicking is all that is required! I would so greatly appreciate it! Money is tight trying to raise three growing boys...not to mention the downward spiral the economy has taken in the past few years....
Paid our taxes today and we are broke! We are beyond broke....
Thanks and until next time....

Thursday, September 11, 2008


A day to remember....
I am sure there a few days in your life that you will never forget, but even fewer of those that you know just what you were doing when something happened. Today is one of those days... 7 years ago today, our country was attacked by terrorists right here on our very soil.
I was home at the time with my two little boys then 3 & 4years of age, the T.V was on, but it was tuned to a children's television that would not be interrupted. The phone rang at around 9am and I picked up thinking how nice of a friend to call first thing in the morning...but this call would change my whole day...I was asked was I watching T.V? I said the boys had Barney on but nothing major, why? Turn to a regular channel the Twin towers in NYC have been hit by a plane....I quickly turned it on and watched as the second plane hit...we quickly hung up promising to call back when we had some kind of answer for what we had just seen....did we really just see that? I kept asking myself all day that very thing, was this real, did that happen, what happened? What was next? I quickly tuned back to Barney for the kids and went to another T.V to watch for hours....when it was decided that this was terrorism ...I dialed my sister's cell phone number, she was in Arizona at the time on vacation and I thought I better check in with her....I woke her up and told her to get to a T.V and explained that an attack had occured and she needed to call for a rental car right away since they were grounding planes and who knew when they would fly again. Plus I didn't want them to get on a plane at this point anyway....she told me she would call me back....
Later that week they boarded a plane and flew back here to Michigan...much to my begging and pleading her not to get on a plane....didn't you feel that way? Never wanting to board a plane again after seeing that? I have flown again truthfully it was tough...I never liked to fly before that day but after was even harder!
What has changed in our country in the last 7 years? Are we really any safer? Could it happen again ? Well I am just thankful that I live in a country that came together at a time of horrible loss and am so incredibly grateful to all those who have served to protect our country before, since and will continue to do so in the years to come! God Bless our soldiers on the front lines and here at home!
Thanks for all you do!
Until next time....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Shorter days and more to do....

Have you ever noticed as the days grow shorter you seem to have more to accomplish? It seems that way here, as summer fades into the past and we are abruptly met with Fall I just seem to be more and more behind. The hours are just not there anymore...we are getting up earlier, packing more in and still unable to keep up! If school were it~ well then we have that covered, but if we need to eat, wear clean clothes, and pick up around the house, not to mention shop for those things to eat or wear....ugh! Well I think you get the picture. Ever thought why we can't just eat PB&J for dinner? It sometimes would make life easier....
I often wonder how other moms do it? Okay let me know rephrase that how other home school moms do it...only because when you home school its all here! ALL of it, the good, bad and the ugly. :( Some of it is really ugly...well at least right now the house. School takes our priority this time of year and as that shift occurs other normal activities seem to take a back seat in our lives. So as I look for more time to do that stuff I realize that back in the days where our country ran a little differently, when kids didn't have so much of a schedule to keep, or at least one that wasn't revolving around home....well back then KIDS HELPED! Aha! Epiphany here.....they need to pick up the slack! I am going now to make a list of what they can do to help around here....
Yes truthfully I have already started that list now I need to put into instead of only destroying the home they can pick it up as well! What a novel thought !
Until next time,
Wish me luck!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I want to "Pump them up" (thx Arnold)

Well with the new year under way ....we are working hard to encourage our children in their daily lives. I want this year to be all about being "pumped up", yes they need to learn as we go but more importantly I want them to each know they can do anything they put their minds too! My eldest has not really struggled with not feeling he measures up but my middle one is always can see it in his face as well as his actions. That is going to change! We are what we think, right? I really believe that! When we hear we aren't good at something or that we struggle to do something as good as someone else we belittle ourselves. For everyone negative thing we hear about ourselves we need soooo many more positives to just erase (if that's even possible) one negative statement. My older two kids are at a very vulnerable time in life for boys...entering the teen age time is hard on everyone but I want my kids at the advantage ....being PUMPED up will hopefully help them to get through those incredible years ahead....
Well that is all for now....
Until next time...

Monday, September 8, 2008

A new year well school year anyway....

Well we have our second week of school underway and well so far so good, things seem to fit well with all of us this year. Caleb is enjoying preschool and when at home, most days he is working on a preschool book to do his part while the rest of the family does their studies. The older two boys are working hard already and putting forth a great deal of good attitudes and helpfulness with getting through the day! I am a fortunate mom!

Last week we attended a rally with John McCain and Sarah Palin at Freedom Hill. It was a great event for the kids to get to see what running for President is all about! We enjoyed our time and had a chance to see even if far away an actual candidate for President! A moment in their history! :)

Well I am off and running again now on to the next event.....the MAFA mixer to kick of our year there!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Back to a schedule

Well here we are back to a Fall Schedule at the Steppey Household! Its nice in some ways to be more scheduled but its also nice to just relax for the summer! Now we are all back to school....Caleb is back in year two of preschool, 4 years old now he attends 3 days a week. Luke & Austin are back at Homeschooling here, now in 5th & 6th grades. We are trying a new main curriculum this year with My Fathers World, 1850's to Modern day, so far so good! I am also going to try to go back to school this year for a bit of a career change now ....Nursing. I am really struggling though with the how's and when's of how it will come together but praying for guidance about it!
Its been a long time since I updated this blog so I am going to try to be more regular now that we are more time conscious...
Also since I last blogged I have lost 10.5 lbs! I am working on some more but would like to maintain this weight loss first to see if keeping it off will be as hard as losing it! :) Well I will get back to ya soon!
Till next time.....

Wednesday, May 28, 2008 life really that way?

Hey its been a while here, sorry life got busy as it always does!
So here I am again wondering how my children can be so selfish at times...did I teach them this or is it that "sinful nature". Its so hard being a parent at times, isn't it?
If I could have a nickel for every time I hear "that isn't fair", or "how come he can have that and I can't?" Are you with me? Do your kids do it too? UGH! Anyhow...we are at dinner tonight and my middle child (who usually can be the easiest) asks if he can have more allowance money. Well mind you we don't really give allowances per one point to get to them interested in reading we paid for some time spent reading...more like bribery I guess but it worked and developed into a sort of love for reading...or money, :)
So back to my story...can he have a bigger allowance? Ha...well before I go off on how the economy is like non existent in Michigan right now and that we can barely afford to feed three BOYS, I ask him why he needs more money and what its for.....
He just wants it!!!! That was the whole explanation....he would like more money to spend basically. Well geez wouldn't we all! Actually right now I would like it to save! :)
Oh well to teach our children to become frugal we must also be frugal! I need to work harder at that I know....its a daily thing here!
We are working on as a family debt reducing....reading Dave Ramsey's Total money makeover and living like no one else so we can LIVE like no one else one day!
Baby stepping it! That is all I can do!
I am rambling now so I will end with that last thought!
Till next time!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mother's Day Tea @ Preschool

What a day!
We had the Mother's Day Tea at preschool this afternoon! It was so exciting! I dropped off Caleb at the normal time but had to return at 2pm for the special day to begin! Each child held a hand-made flower for their mother and were all lined up waiting patiently for their turn to give their mom her flower and escort her to her seat! They had aprons on and the tables were set just so nicely for us moms! As we were seated they took our drink orders and brought us our lunch! I was expecting a snack maybe not lunch! Wow! They went all out! They had dipped strawberries for us and made a whole lunch! Beautiful spread! A chicken salad on a crescent, the strawberries, cheese and crackers, and then even dessert! It was sooo special. After we ate they performed some songs for us and then gave us some presents that they had been working on the last few weeks! Caleb kept telling me this is so fun isn't it mom? He was sooo cute! I loved it~ All of it! The perfect Mothers day gift a few days early! What more could a mama ask for? This one's heart is full!
Until next time!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sunday Morning Blues

Well here I am again at home. Austin had some sort of Sore Throat thing going on with a fever the last few days so I kept him home. Marc is on duty at church again, he is a trustee, at our church which meets in a school that is a HUGE job. It means being there at 6am to set up and staying until after 2pm to finish putting it all away. Since he left so early all the kids stayed home with me. The fever does seem to have gone at least for Austin...I wasn't sure if it would go back up this afternoon but he acts fine now....of course since we stayed home, right? Oh well...sometimes I think its as if we never have a whole healthy family here! Someone is always getting something it seems. Do you suppose its the devils way to keep us at home away from church? Or just part of having kids? I guess its the latter one....but at times I wonder! :)

Anyway...I am feeling a bit like I am pouting ....having to be home again! Can you tell? I need to snap out of that....

Let's see what else is going on here...the last few days I have been at the post office daily to mail out E-bay items I have sold! That is great news....things are selling well. Marc (my hubby) even said if its not nailed down she will sell it! Watch out... I don't think I am that bad, but maybe. :) Other than Ebay, I am reading this book by Dave Ramsey, the Total money makeover. Its an easy read, full of humor as well as practical advice! I am working on getting out of the mountain of debt we have! I think every young couple who are getting married should read this book first! Seriously, great planning for the future. Funny how you look back and think wow if I had known that before~ life would have been very different! Anyhow...his first step is getting an emergency fund saved of $1000, that at least is doable, unlike thinking 3-6 months worth of living expenses, that is farther along....when in debt you start smaller. Anyhow I am truly enjoying the book and working towards a debt free life in the future!

Well I guess I am going to wash some more clothes and try to get a jump on the week ahead! Thanks for listening to me rant! :)

Till next time

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Stress....and the preschooler

Stress and the preschooler, sounds like the title of a book nowadays, doesn't it?
Stress is a major component in our lives and I am amazed at just how young it starts! I dropped my little man off at preschool today and he was just so not himself. He was crying not wanting me to leave, etc...I did leave, feeling totally like a horrible mother. I honestly think he is stressed out! Poor kid is in therapy twice a week for 2 hours at a time, preschool twice a week (which until today was a treat)...he is just over loaded right now. Therapy has been especially draining on us lately, for both of us really. I am debating quitting for a bit and letting him just have a relaxing break for the summer maybe? The problem comes up though for this because the waiting list at present is 160 people deep to get back in. Ridiculous right? All of these decisions being a parent ....some days its just not fun! So yes that makes us both stressed! :) Its hard to make the right choices all the time .....
I am just praying for the direction we need now to make these decisions~
Till next time

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Bandaids or sex education....

Okay its the week of funny happenings here I suppose! I live in a house with all boys with the exception of myself and one of our dogs. Anyhow in the bathroom there was box of tampons on the floor when my little guy went in there and so he asks his dad "what are those daddy?" My hubby says "oh nothing just moms stuff." Caleb then says" I think they are band aids" husband relieved that he is satisfied with his answer says "I am not sure maybe! "

So anyhow....I suppose he is right in a way...they do sort of work that that is a great answer for a 4 year old to ponder for a while anyhow...I suppose one day he will see that isn't exactly what they are but that is still far off!

Well my allergies are bugging me tonight, scratchy throat and icky eyes! Fun stuff! Off to bed soon....

Till next time!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Hey everyone,

Okay so first things first, yes the legos went up to and ended at $280! I tell ya I am thinking about going out and purchasing lego sets and just putting them away for the future. I still can't believe they sold for that! Not complaining just stunned. I spent my day waiting for a repair man. Don't you just love those days? I mean give me a better of window of time, would ya? We all know that 8a-6p means they will show up either 7:50am at which point you are not dressed yet and dripping from the super fast shower you just tried to have, or the 5:59pm type in which you had sat all day thinking of all the stuff you could just run out and do if you didn't have to be home waiting for the repair in the first place. UGH! Its frustrating! Of course having to be home did mean I do lots of laundry, that is if it wasn't my dryer they were coming to fix to begin with! :( Oh well....such is life!

I have been considering going back to school just seems impossible to do it right now in my life since I have my kids at home to do school. I know I don't want to put them in school at this point so its just a matter of how can I improvise this and make it work? Any how I am toying with the idea at any rate...if I figure out to work this one out I will let ya know! :)

We went shopping this evening to look for birthday presents.....we all went, all five of us! That was fun...okay not so fun! Anyhow I am not sure how but we bought stuff for all my kids but nothing for the birthday! Again another reason I need to go back to school to get that job! :) How ever are we gonna put these boys through college, at this rate how am I going to keep their bellies full for the next several years! Boys seem to have a hollow leg....maybe two! Well I have to go back to shopping by myself I guess, I get more accomplished plus spend less! Thank God tomorrow is a new day! I am too tired to make it one more minute in this one! :)

For now....

Thursday, April 24, 2008

"those two things girls have"

Okay everyone, get your minds out of the gutter! My 4 year old told me this the other day! I will preface this with a little info...
The other morning my 4yr old boy was watching me apply my makeup, while putting on lip stick he wanted some, I told him only girls wear makeup. Then he preceeded to tell me everything I put on was only for girls....okay with that said.

Days later....

We are outside and my little guy is looking for bugs. He has a love hate relationship with them at the moment. He loves to look for them but when he finds them he isn't always sure he wants to be near them. :) it how the conversation took place.

Caleb: looks up at me: "mom I saw a girl ant in the front yard today."
Me: "Really, well how did you know it was a girl ant?"
Caleb (nonchalantly): because she had those two things that only girls have.
Me: (not wanting to ask)
Older Brother, Austin who is listening in on the conversation: "What two things?"
Me: (why was Austin around and why ask THAT question)
Caleb: "you know mom, those things here (pointing to his eyelashes) you put that black stuff on.
Me: (smiling) "Of course Caleb, how could you not see those beautiful eyelashes!"

Now the moral of the story ....don't we all think the worst sometimes when its not even meant that way! I know what you were thinking!

The great world of Ebay

I am seldom truly amazed by people...I mean I may be taken back every now and then, but amazed, not! Today although I stand amazed by one simple thing....EBAY buyers. I have listed a Lego set from 1984 (ya know when the Tigers actually won the world series), anyhow, this Lego set I have is new, never opened but still the box is a little worn from storage, I listed hoping for a little cash. I did a little pre-work, watching others like it sell for a little more than $60, so I thought why not? I listed it started the bidding very low, added shipping and then received a ton of questions on it but the bidding was a bit sluggish. for the amazing part, today its at $250 dollars! Can you believe that? Why would anyone pay that for some old Legos, a small box at that? Its not really made of Gold, honest! that crazy or what? I was just thinking how am I gonna afford the new school books we need for next year, and then right there God provided, using EBAY at that! So here I stand for once truly amazed at the human spirit! :)
I will let ya'll know if goes any higher!