Thursday, October 2, 2008


I am sitting here wondering what to write a research paper on this morning.....

I had my first Psychology class night and we have to write a paper on something that interests us in the field of Psychology or a great psych pioneer such as Freud. I just haven't quite decided what to write about....I would like to just get it done...but then again I would like to learn from it as well. :) SO here I sit wondering.....

My life seems to be turned upside down right now....I can't seem to keep up with anything. I really need to better manage my time....I should probably not be writing this but working on something else right now! I have laundry piles, dishes to wash, floors to clean, papers to write, kids to teach, etc...but I am still here typing ....UGH!

I need to stop and regroup and make a plan....need to go do that! I'll let you know on the paper topic as soon as I decide....Funny remember I didn't want to have to write a paper this semester and have already two due and its only one week into the game! :)

Until next time....

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