Thursday, October 23, 2008 accomplished!

Okay the boys room is done it just needs the daily upkeep that I will need to stay on top of! Boys are just gross, did you know it? The preteen years just start to make you wonder how they ever make it to adulthood! Whew...did I mention the smells....not good. :( Even the boys thought I did good, that is saying a lot when they notice that their room isn't growing things!

Anyhow...I just wanted to post and let you all know out there I almost made enough to cover all my books for school this semester with your help! Click those ads here on the side of the screen each one once and you just earned me a little cash! Thank you so much! I am 6 bucks away from my total for books! Isn't that awesome! So keep clicking you can do it once a day from each IP address you have access to!

Okay now I am off to relax...we have a busy day tomorrow and lots to prepare for!

Until next time....

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