Friday, October 24, 2008

Thank God its Friday!

I am so glad its Friday! We have so much to Thankful for in this present day~ family & friends, employment, good health, a warm home, food in our tummys, etc. I am so thankful for all those things and wish to pass this legacy on to my children. We live today in a ungrateful nation in my humble opinion, we take so much for granted. We are so blessed to live in this FREE country and for all our service men and women who are putting their lives on the line for that Freedom daily! Have you run into people who seem to have forgotten that Freedom isn't FREE? Seems like lately I keep hearing these why are we over there fighting anyway? COME ON PEOPLE! These young people are fighting for our freedom to continue here in the United States, don't they get it? Sorry it just can make me so angry sometimes to hear people take things for granted! We all do it with something or another...whether its that you just went to a restaurant or store and were able to buy food, or you were able to cast your vote for a president, both of them require us to be thankful! They are a privilege!

Well here today at the Steppey house, we are able to go to a Halloween party at my brother n law's workplace tonight! The kids so enjoy this activity, (okay so do their parents) they have trick or treating at each office door, and crafts to make and take and even dinner is provided! All this for free! What a nice night ahead! :) Plus the best part its indoors out of the cold! The kids actually get more candy there than actually going door to door on Halloween! :) Anyhow I think I have been asked by my little guy today about 100 times when we are leaving ???? Its still a few hours away so I expect some more to come! :) So exciting....

This weekend is supposed to be kind of dreary around here in Michigan. Big changes from our trip to Florida! No more sunshine here....its on to clouds and gray till March. Oh how I dislike the winter. But hey I am still thankful for heat in the house to get through this winter! :) Anyhow...we plan on getting some stuff indoors this weekend and maybe next week work outside with what is still left to do there.

Gotta run a child is calling!

Until next time.....

P.S keep clicking those ads here I have covered this semesters books but now am working on next semesters! :)

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