Monday, September 8, 2008

A new year well school year anyway....

Well we have our second week of school underway and well so far so good, things seem to fit well with all of us this year. Caleb is enjoying preschool and when at home, most days he is working on a preschool book to do his part while the rest of the family does their studies. The older two boys are working hard already and putting forth a great deal of good attitudes and helpfulness with getting through the day! I am a fortunate mom!

Last week we attended a rally with John McCain and Sarah Palin at Freedom Hill. It was a great event for the kids to get to see what running for President is all about! We enjoyed our time and had a chance to see even if far away an actual candidate for President! A moment in their history! :)

Well I am off and running again now on to the next event.....the MAFA mixer to kick of our year there!

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