Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Shorter days and more to do....

Have you ever noticed as the days grow shorter you seem to have more to accomplish? It seems that way here, as summer fades into the past and we are abruptly met with Fall I just seem to be more and more behind. The hours are just not there anymore...we are getting up earlier, packing more in and still unable to keep up! If school were it~ well then we have that covered, but if we need to eat, wear clean clothes, and pick up around the house, not to mention shop for those things to eat or wear....ugh! Well I think you get the picture. Ever thought why we can't just eat PB&J for dinner? It sometimes would make life easier....
I often wonder how other moms do it? Okay let me know rephrase that how other home school moms do it...only because when you home school its all here! ALL of it, the good, bad and the ugly. :( Some of it is really ugly...well at least right now the house. School takes our priority this time of year and as that shift occurs other normal activities seem to take a back seat in our lives. So as I look for more time to do that stuff I realize that back in the days where our country ran a little differently, when kids didn't have so much of a schedule to keep, or at least one that wasn't revolving around home....well back then KIDS HELPED! Aha! Epiphany here.....they need to pick up the slack! I am going now to make a list of what they can do to help around here....
Yes truthfully I have already started that list now I need to put into instead of only destroying the home they can pick it up as well! What a novel thought !
Until next time,
Wish me luck!

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