Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sunday Morning Blues

Well here I am again at home. Austin had some sort of Sore Throat thing going on with a fever the last few days so I kept him home. Marc is on duty at church again, he is a trustee, at our church which meets in a school that is a HUGE job. It means being there at 6am to set up and staying until after 2pm to finish putting it all away. Since he left so early all the kids stayed home with me. The fever does seem to have gone at least for Austin...I wasn't sure if it would go back up this afternoon but he acts fine now....of course since we stayed home, right? Oh well...sometimes I think its as if we never have a whole healthy family here! Someone is always getting something it seems. Do you suppose its the devils way to keep us at home away from church? Or just part of having kids? I guess its the latter one....but at times I wonder! :)

Anyway...I am feeling a bit like I am pouting ....having to be home again! Can you tell? I need to snap out of that....

Let's see what else is going on here...the last few days I have been at the post office daily to mail out E-bay items I have sold! That is great news....things are selling well. Marc (my hubby) even said if its not nailed down she will sell it! Watch out... I don't think I am that bad, but maybe. :) Other than Ebay, I am reading this book by Dave Ramsey, the Total money makeover. Its an easy read, full of humor as well as practical advice! I am working on getting out of the mountain of debt we have! I think every young couple who are getting married should read this book first! Seriously, great planning for the future. Funny how you look back and think wow if I had known that before~ life would have been very different! Anyhow...his first step is getting an emergency fund saved of $1000, that at least is doable, unlike thinking 3-6 months worth of living expenses, that is farther along....when in debt you start smaller. Anyhow I am truly enjoying the book and working towards a debt free life in the future!

Well I guess I am going to wash some more clothes and try to get a jump on the week ahead! Thanks for listening to me rant! :)

Till next time

1 comment:

Peanut Butter Kisses said...


I so understand about Sundays and have blogged many posts on that very subject! It's hard not to get discouraged about it. One thing I know for us is that if it's not someone being sick, it's one of us walking the halls with at least one of the kids. It's a reminder to me that I need to make sure I'm spending time with God during the week which can be difficult with all the things we have to accomplish and are responsible for. That is so very important. I had a very dear friend tell me to just hang on, this season of life will be over too quickly. She is right. So Sunday came and went yesterday, two of the kids ended up staying home with Dad and I got to enjoy the service for once. It was a blessing and I'm thankful for at least this one Sunday. Who knows what next Sunday will include but I'm hanging on!