Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mother's Day Tea @ Preschool

What a day!
We had the Mother's Day Tea at preschool this afternoon! It was so exciting! I dropped off Caleb at the normal time but had to return at 2pm for the special day to begin! Each child held a hand-made flower for their mother and were all lined up waiting patiently for their turn to give their mom her flower and escort her to her seat! They had aprons on and the tables were set just so nicely for us moms! As we were seated they took our drink orders and brought us our lunch! I was expecting a snack maybe not lunch! Wow! They went all out! They had dipped strawberries for us and made a whole lunch! Beautiful spread! A chicken salad on a crescent, the strawberries, cheese and crackers, and then even dessert! It was sooo special. After we ate they performed some songs for us and then gave us some presents that they had been working on the last few weeks! Caleb kept telling me this is so fun isn't it mom? He was sooo cute! I loved it~ All of it! The perfect Mothers day gift a few days early! What more could a mama ask for? This one's heart is full!
Until next time!

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