Friday, November 7, 2008

Thyroid levels...

Hi everyone,

Just a quick note...

Today is Friday! Yippee! I love that word, means a break from school and for the kids although for me it just signals another school day on Saturday, but all in all it means less stress for the most part. This weekend we have our small group here, my house isn't small group ready but it will be by Sunday. Its just going to take everyone working together to get it there! :) Anyhow, I start my computer classs tomorrow morning. Its from 9a-1240p, hopefully it will be interesting enough to make the time go by fast! :)

Caleb is at school right now so the other boys are plugging along in their school work without interruptions. :) The house is quiet with the exception of the dog licking the remnants of egg off her plate of leftovers, and me typing here....

This afternoon I am headed over to the doctors office to meet my hubby there, he was in last week for some routine blood work and it the office called yesterday and wants him in to see the doctor again to go over it. I hate that really, can't you tell me over the phone the results? They did tell him that his thyroid levels are extremely low, so I am sure that will mean some kind of medication and or more tests to run. This past week he had a second opinion on his ear ringing and dizziness issues, they say its Menieres disease most likely. The only way to know for sure if it is that is autopsy so since we aren't going to go that far we only have the symptoms to go on. :) Unfortunately those same symptoms could be a thousand other things as well, like stress. Anyhow, maybe the thyroid thing is the cause? matter what I have some questions for doctor as off we will go at 4pm. Pray we are able to understand what needs to be done and if they can tell us the cause and not just treat the symptoms. My poor hubby has been really discouraged that they can't determine the problem of his dizzy spells ...its frustrating really. Anyhow...that is about all I know for now I will post later after our appt.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Until next time......

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