Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I am so angry

UGH! Sorry I haven't posted in a while...lots going on here...little time and all that jazz!
Anyway...so today the kids have friends in to play in the basement, one of them even though they know they are not to play on my treadmill and/or the home gym downstairs, somehow the treadmill gets gunked...well someone gets hurt on it ...funny when they can't be near the dumb thing how they can get hurt on it ...but anyhow...so I am angry about that...then I go down to get something out of the fridge for the little guy and find that somehow at the last small group here we managed to break the hockey table....now tell me how does this all happen and someone forgets to let the parents in on these things! UGH! I am just fed up with the lack of respect for things around here! They want all the new and latest "stuff" but can not take care of what they are given!

Well I am done letting off steam for a minute!

UGH! Maybe I should just wrap up the crap they break and give it to them again this year!

Until next time.....and very frustrated!

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