Friday, April 25, 2008

Hey everyone,

Okay so first things first, yes the legos went up to and ended at $280! I tell ya I am thinking about going out and purchasing lego sets and just putting them away for the future. I still can't believe they sold for that! Not complaining just stunned. I spent my day waiting for a repair man. Don't you just love those days? I mean give me a better of window of time, would ya? We all know that 8a-6p means they will show up either 7:50am at which point you are not dressed yet and dripping from the super fast shower you just tried to have, or the 5:59pm type in which you had sat all day thinking of all the stuff you could just run out and do if you didn't have to be home waiting for the repair in the first place. UGH! Its frustrating! Of course having to be home did mean I do lots of laundry, that is if it wasn't my dryer they were coming to fix to begin with! :( Oh well....such is life!

I have been considering going back to school just seems impossible to do it right now in my life since I have my kids at home to do school. I know I don't want to put them in school at this point so its just a matter of how can I improvise this and make it work? Any how I am toying with the idea at any rate...if I figure out to work this one out I will let ya know! :)

We went shopping this evening to look for birthday presents.....we all went, all five of us! That was fun...okay not so fun! Anyhow I am not sure how but we bought stuff for all my kids but nothing for the birthday! Again another reason I need to go back to school to get that job! :) How ever are we gonna put these boys through college, at this rate how am I going to keep their bellies full for the next several years! Boys seem to have a hollow leg....maybe two! Well I have to go back to shopping by myself I guess, I get more accomplished plus spend less! Thank God tomorrow is a new day! I am too tired to make it one more minute in this one! :)

For now....

1 comment:

Christine said...

Unless we absolutely have to, we don't go shopping with our kids anymore. Much more expensive PLUS like you, we'd never walk out with the birthday present for someone else either! LOL

Hope you have a restful weekend!

(From MI Christian HSers yahoo group)