Saturday, April 26, 2008

Bandaids or sex education....

Okay its the week of funny happenings here I suppose! I live in a house with all boys with the exception of myself and one of our dogs. Anyhow in the bathroom there was box of tampons on the floor when my little guy went in there and so he asks his dad "what are those daddy?" My hubby says "oh nothing just moms stuff." Caleb then says" I think they are band aids" husband relieved that he is satisfied with his answer says "I am not sure maybe! "

So anyhow....I suppose he is right in a way...they do sort of work that that is a great answer for a 4 year old to ponder for a while anyhow...I suppose one day he will see that isn't exactly what they are but that is still far off!

Well my allergies are bugging me tonight, scratchy throat and icky eyes! Fun stuff! Off to bed soon....

Till next time!

1 comment:

Kristina said...

When I was potty training my youngest (at 2), he thought my pads were diapers. Since he didn't want to be potty trained, he went in my bathroom and stuck one to himself. LOL