Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I am so angry

UGH! Sorry I haven't posted in a while...lots going on here...little time and all that jazz!
Anyway...so today the kids have friends in to play in the basement, one of them even though they know they are not to play on my treadmill and/or the home gym downstairs, somehow the treadmill gets gunked...well someone gets hurt on it ...funny when they can't be near the dumb thing how they can get hurt on it ...but anyhow...so I am angry about that...then I go down to get something out of the fridge for the little guy and find that somehow at the last small group here we managed to break the hockey table....now tell me how does this all happen and someone forgets to let the parents in on these things! UGH! I am just fed up with the lack of respect for things around here! They want all the new and latest "stuff" but can not take care of what they are given!

Well I am done letting off steam for a minute!

UGH! Maybe I should just wrap up the crap they break and give it to them again this year!

Until next time.....and very frustrated!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Life and the economy!

Hi everyone~

Well today was a stressful day. We here in Michigan are never quite sure if we will be employed from day to day with the economy being in the toilet. Anyhow today was just another one of those days! So still employed and thankful but still worried!

I had a test in my computers class to be done by midnight on Saturday that I finished today and also my homework for that class. I really have to say this class is much harder than I expected. I truly thought it was going to be my easiest class out of the whole lot but now I am beginning to wonder. Anyhow one week and one test down. Whew.... My Psychology class I have a paper due and presentation this coming week so I still need to work on that some this weekend. Then I can breathe for a bit...okay a day or so anyhow! Also I scheduled my next semester classes today....already worried about that ....but I will get through it all one day at a time just like this semester.

Well just wanted to update here and now I am off to relax....

Until next time.....

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Google Advertising, Hashimoto's and life

Hi everyone,

As you can see my blog looks a little different today. Google pulled my advertising without any explanation only that it wasn't making enough money to make it effective, and that the money I have earned won't be paid out to me. Nice huh? Even though the ads were not pulled until today the money earned in Sept and Oct won't even be paid, kind of makes you think GOOGLE is pulling a scam doesn't it? Of course they make it next to impossible to contact them to dispute anything but anyway...just wanted you to know why they are aren't there if you were using them! It stinks basically since I had earned over $300. Oh well ~live and learn!

On another note, Marc finally got his blood work back and he was officially diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease. Its a auto immune disease that effects his thyroid. As we understand it, its when the body's own cells attack itself, in his case in his thyroid, making it not function properly or at all. In Marc's case it was really not functioning at all. So he started this morning on a synthetic drug that replaces what his body isn't making anymore. It will take a while and may take a few different doses to get it right but all in all he should start to feel better in 4-6 weeks. Hopefully sooner, as he has been extremely tired and cranky :) !

So today is Wednesday, we have preschool in a bit for Caleb ~ they are making Stone soup today and we get to bring the carrot for that as well he has show and tell today. He has been waiting for it to be his turn for some time now....since our Florida trip he has wanted to bring in his new Light saber he got to make while in Disney. So need less to say he is very excited to go to day! Then the boys have MAFA, and I have some homework to do and then class tonight! :) Whew....

Well I am off ~just got off the treadmill and need a shower before we all get rolling here!

Until next time.....(shame on you GOOGLE!)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

No news on blood work yet...speech therapy

Well we are still waiting to hear back from the doctors office from the blood work Marc had done last week. Hopefully he will call tonight and let us know something. Marc just wants to know something and start to feel better.

Well let's see other an that today we are just working through school, made some yummy veggie beef soup for dinner, and trying to stay on top of the house pick up! Other than that just trying to stay warm! Its freezing out today....36 degrees....brrr.

Oh yes we also had speech this morning, today the therapist had Caleb hold smarties candy on his tongue and then hold it on the roof of his mouth for 5, 10 then 20 seconds. Mostly due to the fact that his tongue needs strengthened to better able him to pronunciate more accurately. Currently he hits his teeth every time he speaks a word, well not all words but a lot of them. Anyway all just issues from his CP, I really hate that ~ I just wish I could take it all away and make it easy for him like the other two boys. Its hard to watch him struggle to do the normal things we all take for granted! Okay enough of that....

So now we are just awaiting the phone to ring and give us news of Marc's results and hopefully just have a prescription called in and started and that's it! Simple would be good right now ~

Until we hear anything......

Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday Mornings.....

Mondays are the worst day of the week it seems around here, not all bad though because I do get out for a bit! (Thanks to the in-laws). Anyhow its just the hardest day to get everyone going around here....its already 9:30am and we are just moving like little turtles here! UGH! Anyhow....its t he start of a new week and we are going to push forward! We had a great weekend here! This morning we woke up to snow here...not a lot but enough that we had better put the cars in the garage from here on out! I really don't like it cold~why is it I live in Michigan then? FAMILY~ one word can sum that one up! :)

Well if I don't get moving its not going to help much around here so off I go to start the day!

Until next time.....

Sunday, November 9, 2008

TIme flies ...

Hey first off ~ No news yet on Marc's blood work, we are still waiting to hear anything , so I will let ya know when I know! :)

Now Today~ we celebrated my niece's 20th birthday! Where in the world does the time go? Seems only yesterday that we were taking her to the circus and my hubby threw away her snow cone and well she wasn't real happy about that at 2 yrs old! Oh dear, he didn't know back then that you can't really trust a 2 year old's answer about when she may be done with something! :) After all she's a girl and women can change their minds! :) Now as a much older and wiser man he knows not to throw away things of such importance! :)

So she's 20!!! Can you believe that? I really can't~ it seems just yesterday she was just a baby! I am feeling old! :( She is such a sweet lovely girl though, well woman, she is lovely lady! My little holly dolly grew into a beautiful woman over the past 20 years! What a wonderful wife she will make someone someday! Of course that poor guy will have to deal with lots of people before being approved .....lots of people! :)

Well I am off for a much needed rest after a very long and busy day!
Weekends just go way too fast!

Until next time.....

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hashimoto's Disease?

Okay well its Saturday,

We went to the doctor yesterday about Marc's thyroid level being low, well it was like extremely low~ he was the medical mystery of the week at the doc's office. Lowest he has ever seen! (even beat out a friend of ours, not that we were competing). Anyhow...they did a full Thyroid work up now and we awaiting results for that now. If indeed all this blood comes back as the doctor expects than he will be officially diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease. That basically means his body isn't producing any of the chemicals needed to make your thyroid function. If the blood work comes back with another issue, then they look into the pituitary gland issues, we are hoping for the first rather than the second, of course because its an easier fix and non threatening for the most part. Anyhow we are waiting now, to start on anything due to the results holding the answers we need to make a guess at what type of dose he needs to start with. Anyhow....keep praying for him ~currently his thyroid is functioning at less than 1% capacity.

Other news...I started my computer class today and I am already hating it! UGH...much harder than I thought, I feel like a complete idiot! So pray for me as well the next 5 weeks of Saturdays will be very stressful for me! :(

Well gotta run just wanted to update you all!

Until next time......

Friday, November 7, 2008

Thyroid levels...

Hi everyone,

Just a quick note...

Today is Friday! Yippee! I love that word, Friday...it means a break from school and for the kids although for me it just signals another school day on Saturday, but all in all it means less stress for the most part. This weekend we have our small group here, my house isn't small group ready but it will be by Sunday. Its just going to take everyone working together to get it there! :) Anyhow, I start my computer classs tomorrow morning. Its from 9a-1240p, hopefully it will be interesting enough to make the time go by fast! :)

Caleb is at school right now so the other boys are plugging along in their school work without interruptions. :) The house is quiet with the exception of the dog licking the remnants of egg off her plate of leftovers, and me typing here....

This afternoon I am headed over to the doctors office to meet my hubby there, he was in last week for some routine blood work and it the office called yesterday and wants him in to see the doctor again to go over it. I hate that really, can't you tell me over the phone the results? They did tell him that his thyroid levels are extremely low, so I am sure that will mean some kind of medication and or more tests to run. This past week he had a second opinion on his ear ringing and dizziness issues, they say its Menieres disease most likely. The only way to know for sure if it is that is autopsy so since we aren't going to go that far we only have the symptoms to go on. :) Unfortunately those same symptoms could be a thousand other things as well, like stress. Anyhow, maybe the thyroid thing is the cause? Anyhow....no matter what I have some questions for doctor as well....so off we will go at 4pm. Pray we are able to understand what needs to be done and if they can tell us the cause and not just treat the symptoms. My poor hubby has been really discouraged that they can't determine the problem of his dizzy spells ...its frustrating really. Anyhow...that is about all I know for now I will post later after our appt.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Until next time......

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Hey everyone,

I got an A on my midterm in Psychology! YIPPEE! 100%! Great way to start now I just have to keep it up! :) One down! :)

So anyhow...a lot of stuff going on around here....we have small group here this weekend, I am wondering why it is this house can get so bad so fast! It seems when its clean it should be easy to keep it that way but its more work keeping it up at times I think! So anyway....we are doing school now, a little behind from election day and picture day and MAFA, oh dear life just interupts here quite often. So today we catch up! Anyhow, I am in the middle of cleaning, school, and baking some pumpkin bread. I still have to write my paper, prepare my presentation and get to my computer class this weekend, but all in all it will fall into place.

Well I am off to work...around here that is...we have a busy day and then on to the chiropractor!

Until next time....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mighty to save

After a painful evening of watching the polls come in, I truly felt defeated. I have wondered many times today how our great nation has come this far? How is it that we can see fit to the senseless killing of the unborn? How can we have elected a senator that is so far to the left in his thinking on every issue to the extent of removing the American flag from his aircraft? Who doesn't stand with his hand over his heart while we pledge allegiance to this great nation? How could we let a person like that run our nation, while he openly shows no love for it? It boggles my mind....

My poor Luke (my middle child) is devastated as well, or fearful you may say of his future (smart kid by the way). Even at 10 years old he realizes the consequences of our actions and how we will all have to live with that. I voted with my true heart resting on the person who held the most common ground with what I believed. No that person was not perfect and on some issues I would not agree but at least some of our values lined up, it was not so on the person who won this election. Will I respect his office, our new president? Yes I will, but that doesn't mean I will respect or agree with his actions while in that office. Will I pray for him daily, yes I will. No one in that office should go without prayer on any decision made that will effect our future and that of my children.

Zephaniah 3:17 spoke volumes to me today: The Lord your God is with you , he is mighty to save. He will take delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.

Can you imagine it with me? God quieting you with his love, like a child who is upset he strokes our hair and sings over us to calm our fears. I am so glad I serve a God who cares that deeply for me, do you serve him too? Isn't it great to know that our God is so much bigger than a public office! Bigger than our government! Bigger that any person in the white house no matter who they are! Our God can move mountains, this is just a not even a worry for him, if a 1000 days is like just a day to God what is four years ....call on his name and pray for this nation to be restored from what it has become, ask God for him to put obstacles in the way of evil and not to allow them. If just one person praying could stop God from destroying whole cities in the old testament imagine what all of our prayers could accomplish~

Thanks for listening and remember my GOD is MIGHTY TO SAVE this nation! Are you praying for it? You should be!

Until next time.....

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


All I have to say right now is pray, vote and then pray some more! Pray for all those who will be elected today, pray for honest moral men and women to lead this nation again to greatness!


Until next time.....

Monday, November 3, 2008


Tomorrow is ELECTION day! Already it is here and we can be done with all the negative ads that are endless it seems! Well today we started our day with prayer, for the election and our nation at this time of transition. I told the kids if each one would pray one thing, simple once sentence prayer. First we discussed all the things that this election can decide and each one was to pray for whatever they felt led to. So I took the opening, Luke went went next, praying for our next president that God would lead this man and that the right man would make it into office. Caleb was next, "AMEN" he says....although it was humorous and we kind of chuckled, it was okay. After all AMEN, does mean "so be it". Well it was then Austin's turn and he couldn't think of what he wanted to pray, so Caleb said "I will go again"....this time he prayed for school. So we prayed for all the schools and what this election may hold in their futures. Then Austin ended the prayer with praying for our congress and senate seats that would be decided. All in all a very productive prayer.
"Thank you Lord for letting me teach my children the important things in life! Please allow these precious freedoms to continue and for this great nation to stay strong in its morals and values and not let what our forefathers set forth as law be destroyed. Give wisdom to those undecided in their vote speak to their hearts and let your will be done. Give us the wisdom to be able to deal with the outcome of this vote and let our trust in you get us through."
AMEN (as Caleb would say! )

Until next time.....

Sunday, November 2, 2008

November already?

Wow, somehow its already November again and it just doesn't seem possible! Where does the time go really? Seems like the older I get the faster it goes. :( Typically I don't like much about this month with the exception of Thanksgiving (this is my favorite holiday) Anyhow its the weather that usually dampers the month for me I think. Its mostly gray and dreary and cold! Plus I lost my grandma in this month ...now 12 years ago the end of this month. I sure do miss her, everything about her really, her and my Papa, they were such a part of my life growing up, how I wish they had a chance to meet my own children. I know I see will see them both in Heaven and can hardly wait to catch up then.

Well....anyhow. Today is Sunday afternoon, a rather decent day weather wise, and really just a lazy afternoon for once, although I have plenty to do here we don't have to go anywhere which is sooo nice! We don't have many of those days really! Marc is bowling with some church guys and the kids are playing outside right now so I am pretty much enjoying the quiet, knowing it never lasts long....

Tomorrow I have my annual mammogram scheduled in the morning and Caleb has preschool and well its a typical Monday I suppose...don't ya wish weeks didn't start with Mondays? Okay I realize then Tuesday would be "Monday" but ya know what I mean....Mondays are kind of our way to fight to save the weekend around here....although it never works~ its one of those days where everything seems to take longer to get through, hopefully it won't be one of those weeks this time.

Well I really need to get something accomplished around here.
Until next time.....

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Shower time!

Tonight is shower night around here again. My little guy hates bathing or a shower for that matter....fights, kicks, screams, you name it! UGH! Its sooo frustrating! Right now its daddy's turn to give it tonight and I am listening to the antics going on! Not fun....once in there he is fine its the getting there that is the problem. Why is it such a big deal? We all shower, well I hope you do! :) Anyhow...around here its a chore! The older two aren't as bad ~ they still complain they have to take one at the time but getting them out is a problem there too....hot water ~bye bye!

Well tonight we fall back...time wise anyhow. Its nice to think we gain an hour of rest but I hate that its so dark then by dinner. Go to work in the dark come home in the dark, such a vicious cycle....makes winter seem so long! :( Oh well no one asked me how it should be so I guess that is the way it is! :)

Well I am going to work on home work for a bit now...
Until next time....